Rep It Sports, LLC was established in 2017 by a native Glendale family, whom are well known in the community and surrounding neighborhoods. Who were born with a passion for athletics and wish to make a difference in all youths' lives. A dream was created among siblings to teach children the necessary skills to be successful in life through sports. Guiding kids to become leaders through self-discipline, determination, teamwork and good sportsmanship are only a handful of the many valuable life skills learned through sports participation. Our family's strong bond and dedication help us fulfill our mission to provide a safe environment for children of all ages to have fun while developing the fundamentals of sports.

Growing up in a rough neighborhood, we turned to sports as an after school alternative. Local Coaches made a difference in our lives by teaching us life skills and community service through sports which made it fun and easy to make the right choices in life. Our family wants to continue that legacy of giving back to the community by developing our youth to become future leaders that will continue giving.

Rep It Sports, LLC founders are Greg Luevano, Adela Guerra and Brenda Luevano. We have coached many years through a variety of sports and have served our community. We will continue to strive to educate and make future leaders of every youth that we touch.

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